Toward the Future

On this page you will find links to Web sites related to chapters in the textbook Toward the Future: Survival science for the new century. There are also links to a Yahoo discussion group set up for teachers and students who use the textbook, a special-purpose chatroom, and a variety of Web sites intended for learners/teachers of English as a second language. Enjoy !!

How Much Fat in a Pound of Flesh?
This is an article with useful links hosted by The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Stress Affects Our Bodies This site provides is a clearinghouse of information on stress and its connection to the mind and body. It gives detailed information of the effects of stress and ways to cope with it--including, deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, meditation, biofeedback, and massage therapy.

Computer Ergonomics This is the site of Hewlett-Packard's "Safety & Comfort Guide." It provides excellent information on computer ergonomics and it is well illustrated.

Soy Bien!
Vegetarian Diets--Provides links to a wealth of information related to research and activism. Also a good source for delicious recipes--many featuring soy products--and advice about how to lose weight by following such diets.
Soy Beans at comprehensive resource for everything there is to know about soy beans from a variety of authoritative sites.

What makes people gay? An exhaustive variety of links covering all aspects of homosexuality, including political, legal, health, and religious concerns.

The Therapeutic Use of Placebos
Mind-Body Medicine An overview of "mind-body medicine" by the The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Assistive Technology ABLEDATA's website allows you to explore information on assistive technology and disability issues in general.

Tissue Engineering Links are given for more than 50 sites--both academic and commercial--that involve tissue engineering.

What brings about "Global Warming"?
Environmental Defense
This advocacy site deals with biodiversity, health, and the oceans. Click on the "climate change" link near the top of the page to find out what this group is doing to solve the problem of global warming.
Nature News
Access links to English news from local newspapers around the world, with particular emphasis on Africa. You can access information on topics such as earthquakes, global warming, renewable energy, pollution, whaling, and farming.

Tropical Rainforests This advocacy group offers information about tropical rainforests and suggests ways people can participate in saving them from destruction.

A Scientist's Responsibility
Genetically Modified Crops Useful information about genetically modified agricultural products, much of it derived from FAO (the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization).
Greenpeace's Biotech Info This site presents information and opinions against the bioengineering of plants and animals.

The Population Explosion
Population Council This group aims to improve the well-being and reproductive health of current and future generations.
Population Reference Bureau Find information about population and its connection to the environment, health, education, race/ethnicity, urbanization, migration, and gender.
UN's Population Information Network Get detailed statistical data on the populations of all countries in the world. Also find out what the United Nations is doing to deal with unbalanced population growth.
Population Connection This is an advocacy group that focuses on issues related to population and inequalities in society.

Loads of Links

Access some of the most useful websites on the Internet for students of English as a second or foreign language.

Last updated on May 12, 2019
Webmaster: Joseph Dias