news stalker
you don't need to follow the news
the news follows you

news that slinks
jackal news
hyena news
carrion crow news
creeping toward Bagdad
embedded in the 7th Cav
embedded in my brain
CNN, Reuters, Al Jazerra

GIs make incursions
onto my commuter train
chocolate bon-bons
fall in bedroom
Abrams tanks roll
on deodorant
under chemical arms
WMDs in my BVDs
electric eel in tank
isn't so sparky
will they give me a loan
for collateral damage?

you don't need to follow the news
the news follows you

breaking news
Tommy Franks
at the ballpark
rooting for Yankees
who else?
broken news
unable to confirm
unavailable for comment
sat phone failed
tortured news
snap crackle pop news
shock and aw shucks news

you don't need to follow the news
the news follows you

blow me away
make my day
hold me hostage
keep me spellbound
but don't show blood
none o' those guts,
no scared GIs
just failed jihads

show me the female PFC
who went down fighting
wrote a book
appeared on Jay Leno
woke up screaming
escaped with broken limbs
and a story that didn't mesh
show me the day after
spare me the 11 who didn't
get their 15
show 'em in night vision
if you must

but please please
stop following me

© 2004 Joseph Dias
Cost of the War in Iraq
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